Friday, September 28, 2012

Seriously, Dude! (Re: wine snobbery)

I encourage everyone to read CAMRA Vancouver President Paddy Treavor's post here:

Much like Dennis Miller, I don't want to get off on a rant here... so I'll keep this short or I might blow a fuse.

Beer enthusiasts, we must not become like this.  As much as we are not stereotypical pot-bellied, macro-swilling yokels (at least not all of us), we must not become socially exclusive, condescending, arrogant faux-sophisticates as the parallel wine stereotype specifies.

I don't think I can add much to what Paddy has already pointed out - the behaviour of this wine snob fellow speaks for itself.

Those who appreciate good beer also appreciate good wine and good food, and they tend to frequent establishments that provide the same.  I am not much of a boycotter (except for The Brick, which I have not stepped foot in since 1997, but that's another story).  I had heard good things about The Sardine Can in particular, and was keen to try it out in the near future.  However, in good conscience I cannot attend restaurants whose ownership displays a negative or dismissive attitude to a huge demographic of potential customers, especially a demographic that seems centered around, well, me.

Ignorance is one thing.  Vigorous, purposeful ignorance in the face of contrary facts, coupled with arrogance and elitism, is quite another to me.

Beer people: keep it friendly, keep it accessible, but don't for one minute think there is any less quality, versatility, art, romance or value in your chosen type of beverage than there is in wine or similarly fine tipples.  Anyone who suggests all beer is swill either doesn't know what he/she is talking about (and thus presents an opportunity to be educated about beer), or is an aloof prick who drinks for status rather than sensory pleasure, and is best left to his/her insular world of appearances and insecurity.

That is all.


  1. hear, hear

    That is why I cringe every time I hear a beer snob talking down to or belittling someone who drinks mainstream beers. All this does is alienate someone from the craft beer scene gives us all a bad reputation.

  2. Thanks for pointing this out. I like to drink good beer and good wine. Vancouver has many fine restaurants that offer both. I will cotinue to vote with my $ in the establishments that promote a varied beer menu. Also I think we have to remember that most macrowed lagers are excellent quality beers. The unfortunate problem is that a lot of restaurants only offer one or two styles of beer (albeit from multiple brewers who all brew the same flavor of beer). Most non afficionados still don't understand the variety of beers that are out there.

  3. Just got back from Vegas, was pleasantly shocked at how much craft beer is now available in many of the restaurants and lounges (since I was last there 2-3 years ago). I think it is safe to say the craft beer industry should just "stay the course", cause it is working.
